Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Zwierząt GRUPA RATUJ
Dear Santa! I don't remember my early childhood. My earliest memories, which I associate well, are my dog and cat siblings. They were my haven of peace during the first, difficult two years of my existence in this world. Unfortunately, the rest of my previous life was not a bed of roses. I was terribly afraid every day. My former caregiver abused drugs. Where I lived, our feces: dog, human and cat were mixed together on the floor. I had no litter box, no food. Sometimes the guardian was sweet to us and stroked us, sometimes he behaved erratically and that's why I lost trust in people. Now that my life has changed, I have access to food, the surroundings are clean and people only give me tenderness, I still have problems with trust. I know it shouldn't be like this. Together with the behaviorist, we work on this in my therapy - as you can see, I am a conscious kitten! I feel safest when petted under a blanket. Then I feel like no one sees me and I'm in no danger. Then I can even purr! I have a long convalescence ahead of me, not in terms of health, but I can cope with it. First of all, I need to learn again that the world is not bad. Santa, I just dream of bentonite litter and Animonda Carny wet food and supplements to alleviate diarrhea symptoms. These are not high expectations because this is all I need. Supplies so that I can sit peacefully in the Temporary Home and recover mentally. Merry Christmas Santa, may something as good happen to you as it happened to me. Bojkot
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